The Light That Was Dark
An amazing story about God's amazing grace. --Ingrid Schlueter, CrossTalk Radio Program
A "Wonderful" Deception
Warren Smith is a meticulous researcher who dots all his i's and crosses all his t's. . . . Satan's lies and schemes aren't new....but they are remarkably effective. Arm yourself with truth so that you may stand against the deceptions and lies of Satan. Warren Smith's book will open your eyes and help you see the deceptions flowing into today's church. A reader
False Christ Coming
This book contains the things that should be manifested in every church of the God of the Bible. Christian leaders should be sounding the alarm and feeding God's sheep as commanded by Jesus Christ. It is a shame that I have to read a book like this to find out about a major scheme of the devil as opposed to walking inside my local church of God and hear it from the FULL TIME pastor. A reader
Deceived on Purpose
Warren Smith exposes the Purpose Driven 'phenomenon' back to its source with carefully detailed, indisputable facts. Just because 'everyone' is doing it, doesn't mean it's right or of God. A reader
Watering the Greyhound Garden
A few years ago I spent a good part of the summer looking over this manuscript.[1] It was the most delightful "editing" project I've ever done. I had known about the manuscript for some time and kept encouraging Smith to put it into print. I envisioned it as the perfect coffee table type of book that we could use for stimulating discussions when friends came over.
Well, there's good news! The book was just released by Mountain Stream Press and it is every bit what I hoped for. Sarah Leslie, Herescope